Yummy Posts

Creamy Tuna Casserole

Creamy Tuna Casserole

This is our version of a creamy tuna casserole. It can be put together in just under an hour and feeds a good number of people. We are kind of partial to most any casserole during the colder season, mainly because with our size family,…

Fall Fork Cookies

Fall Fork Cookies

I like Fall. I like pumpkin. Everything does not need to be pumpkin this time of year, so we enjoy these instead. This recipe for fall fork cookies is just as easy to make, then it would be to try and make something else pumpkin…

Moscow Mule

Moscow Mule

The Moscow Mule is such a timeless classic in its signature copper mug. This recipe is one that we put together, because we didn’t quit have all the necessary ingredients. It was still the perfect balance of Vodka and Ginger beer, and a cold refreshing…

Green Chili Rice

Green Chili Rice

This green chili rice recipe is easy to make on a budget and is a great side for any meat. We’ve served it with pork chops, steak, and chicken enchiladas. Plus, it is also a different way to change our basic rice. Ingredients for Green…

Italian Sausage Skillet

Italian Sausage Skillet

These is so much to love about an easy skillet meal that feeds everyone. They are simple, quick, and filling even if you are on a budget. Since this Italian sausage skillet recipe already has a good number of vegetables in it, you can serve…

Creamy Beef Dip

Creamy Beef Dip

This creamy beef dip is one of our family’s favorites, especially when it’s right out of the oven in a cast iron skillet. If you wanted, you could make it in a crock pot, but we never have tried. This is our favorite way to…

Pepperoni Chicken Casserole

Pepperoni Chicken Casserole

We have made this chicken pepperoni casserole for almost 10 years. It started out as something on Pinterest that we found and evolved into that we still make today. If I remember correctly, it was some sort of stuffed chicken breast with cheese and pepperoni.…

Mexican Stew

Mexican Stew

This Mexican Stew is an amazing recipe for when cold weather sets in. It’s pretty versatile, and you can add you own special seasoning, so you can enjoy it just the way you want. When we make this recipe, we typically make it in a…

Scalloped Corn

Scalloped Corn

Honestly, we have corn so much in our household that we have to mix it up periodically, so we don’t go into burnout. This scalloped corn recipe isn’t an everyday corn dish, but it does work well, for Sunday dinner, Easter, or most all other…

Raspberry Lemon Bread

Raspberry Lemon Bread

This is pretty simple to file under easy recipes in your recipe collection. This raspberry lemon bread recipe is absolutely perfect for a brunch of even a small snack. We will usually make a loaf or 2, and snack on them through the week. It…