New Parent Confession

New Parent Confession

This is my New Parents Confession

Let’s rewind several nights ago to about 2am with some really tired parents and a fussy child.  This is what will be of our new parent confessions.  I got up to make a bottle, and I had noticed that one of our dogs had pooped in the middle of the living room floor. I sleepily started the bottle process, as we had no clean ones, and made my way to the bathroom to get the mess cleaned up.  On the way back to the kitchen, to no surprise, I stepped in dog poop.  When you step in dog poop, especially inside, your first instinct is NOT to smear this little gem on the rest of the floor.

Setting the Scene

Picture it: Me hopping around the kitchen room floor on one foot with dog poop stuck to the other, the water is running, the dogs are barking, and the baby bottle warmer is beeping out of control.  My minds drifts to the memes I have viewed over and over saying “you’re doing an great job”, “this isn’t easy”, “are you getting enough sleep”?, “this is your life now”.  I conquered the bottle making, got our child fed, poop cleaned, and made my way to bed.   

There are things that people tell you about being a first time parent, and there are things that they don’t.  This is one of them.  I am in no way demeaning being a first time parent.  In fact, I have a new found respect for women, first time parents, and those doing it alone.  You are not alone, and it does get better!  When they walk, start to talk, and find their own little personality is when you gain the feeling of a monumental achievement. You are a GREAT parent, and you will make it!


This is a New Parent Confession!  Make sure you always have clean bottles ready, let the dogs out before they poop in the house, and love your spouse.  This is all of the advise that I can give for now.  So, it you see someone who appears to be a new parent, tell them they are doing a great job, and share some of the funny moments.  Tell them the good and the bad, and lend your support if needed.  And after all, you may still have dog poop on the bottom of your foot, so don’t laugh!  You can also ready my post about being a new dad…that might help.

Now…Does anyone know how to get dog poop out of a comforter???  I need to know, or I will cry! Or laugh.