Since we haven\’t posted anything awhile, we wanted to share with you one of our go-to meals. Vegetable Shrimp Spaghetti is what we make when we have virtually nothing left in the fridge, and sort of pressed for time. It\’s really simple and somewhat healthy. Most importantly you will need a Veggetti.
Also, if your parents or someone you might know has a garden and grow these items, they are usually better than what you would find in the supermarket. (You know the zucchini the size of a human arm). These are the best ones to use, and a little of them goes a long way!
I would also recommend that if you did not want to use frozen vegetables, that fresh is the way to go. Throw in some shaved carrots, snap peas, and anything else that might tickle your fancy. There really are dozens of ways to use this, and we have experimented numerous ways, so there is a good chance that several other recipes will show up here.
We also managed to pull together a little recipe for a red sauce that goes good over the noodles. We will share that later, because you can freeze it! You might not want to put it over this recipe, but it goes great over the plain noodles.
This is one of our go-to meals that we make more often than not. The Vegetti really let\’s us get creative with certain recipes, and we can use the majority of the squash that we have. Also, we are semi-newly weds, and it\’s not easy finding small recipes for only two people.
We used:
1 yellow squash
1 zucchini
Package of frozen veggies (we used an Asian style stir fry type)
Package large shrimp
Soy Sauce, and salt and pepper to taste.
And a little parmesan cheese on the top.
- Use the Vegetti to cut your noodles.
- Steam or boil them, for several minutes.
- Add your mixed vegetables and shrimp, and boil for a few minutes longer.
- Drain
- Add the soy sauce and salt and pepper to your liking. If you use soy sauce, none or a small amount of salt is needed.