We both have birthdays in March, so this year we decided to do something different. Just to make it interesting, we made gifts for each other rather than to purchase something that we most likely already had. The gift I received was this activity jar ideas for couples. It’s a simple jar that both of us put ideas into. There are 2 colors of cards, brown and white. One is a food idea, and the other is an activity. It becomes insane sometimes for couples who are trying to decide what to do, so this helps us out. The good news is that both of us can drop anything into the jar, but the other doesn’t have to know…Keeps it interesting!

When to use it
When we need a break from the kids, work, or just life in general we turn to this jar. It typically works with one of us picking out and FOOD card, and the other picking out an ACTIVITY card. This way we have a really easy date night idea. Before we would spend most of the time trying to agree on what to do, and this makes it so much easier. These cards from Amazon are similar to what we use. Just be sure that you have 2 different colors.
There is also this idea!