To continue our tradition of having breakfast together almost every Saturday morning, we rounded up several things that we needed to get rid of, and created a small breakfast hash. It was simple, fast, and we made use of many frozen items in our freezer.
Quick Breakfast Hash
About 1 cup of diced onion
2 cups diced ham (we purchased already diced)
1 cup assorted colored mini sweet peppers diced.
About 6 slices of bacon diced
1 jalapeno diced.
2 cloves garlic minced.
About 3 cups frozen shredded hash browns
Salt and pepper to taste.
1 egg
2 tablespoons oil (olive oil is our choice)
In a cast iron skillet, or any skillet of your choice, mix all of the ingredients except the egg in the olive oil. Cook over medium heat until everything is cooked down. (Cook time will vary with frozen ingredients)
Once everything is cooked down, you are ready to plate. Place a portion of the mixture on your plate. Once you have cooked the egg to your liking you can either place it over the mixture or mix it all together. We choose to do a sunny side up egg and lay it over the top.
All of the ingredients were leftovers in our freezer and is about enough for about 2 people. There really isn’t a right or wrong way to make this. However, we always make an attempt to keep frozen items like this in our freezer. A helpful tip it so always have things like diced onions, peppers, or jalapenos available. They can be added to most anything. Making things like this are just a simple and easy way to clean out your freezer and start fresh again. It seems amazing what a few frozen ingredients can do for a recipe.