Simple Easy Guacamole Dip

Simple Easy Guacamole Dip

We know that there are thousands of different recipes for guacamole dip, but this is a recipe that we created using ingredients from our pantry. (Mostly Trader Joe\’s ingredients)

Simple Easy Guacamole Dip

6 avocados mashed and chopped.

1 Roma tomato diced.

1/2 of an onion, chopped.

1 lemon juiced.

3 garlic cloves, minced.

1 TBS Trader Joe\’s Everything But The Bagel Seasoning

3-4 pinches of salt (you can tailor this to your taste)

1 TBS Trader Joe\’s Onion Salt

1 TBS Trader Joe\’s Seasoning Salt

Mix all together until combined. You can make this as chunky and thick as you like it. We made ours a little creamier this time.

Simple Easy Guacamole Dip

Simple Easy Guacamole Dip

Simple Easy Guacamole Dip