Movie Night
These are our 5 date night ideas for couples that we usually go to, and typically starts with a movie. This doesn’t need to be the sappy normal chick flick movies, or the hard-hitting action movies that are current. If there is an age gap between you and your wife (and there is here) use that an as advantage. One night you watch a movie that you grew up on, and the next night you watch a movie she grew up on. BAM! There are 2 ideas right there. I showed her movies like Breakfast Club, Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, Stand by Me, and Sixteen Candles. Then in return I get to watch movies like Bring it on, Miss Congeniality, Final Destination, and Scary Movie. There is no accounting for taste here, but you will definitely be able to see how technology has progressed. If you really feel like you have no ideas hit up the $5 DVD bin at Walmart. That saves us every time.

Picture Albums
Get a couple bottles of wine and look through old picture albums. This worked great for us. We were able to see what each other life was like before we met. Typically, this may not work for everyone, but it’s an idea.
Eating and Entertainment
Shortly after we were married, we had a jar that we put ideas into. One color card represented food, and the other was an activity. You can check it out here Activity Jar Ideas for Couples. This is really inexpensive and helped us make decisions when we had no idea what to do.
Pick a recipe that you both like and make it together. There is no shortage of simple easy recipes that you can find anywhere on the internet.
And if all else fails try a game. This one is hysterical!
We now have two kids, one with special needs, so we are constantly looking for ideas for a date night.