This is a filling weeknight meal that is sure to be a crow-pleaser. It can be serves a standalone casserole dish or easily served with cornbread, or and bread of your choice. The bread will help to scrap all of the goodness from the bottom of the bowl.
1 Large Skillet Makle sure the skillet you have a big enough for all of the ingredients.
1 9 X 13 Baking Dish
1½lbsGround Beef
1 Medium White Onionchopped
1Green Pepperdiced
1tbspSaltor to your taste.
4tbspChili Powderor to your taste.
8 oz. canTomato Sauce
15 oz. canChili Beansundrained
1 small can Sliced Black Olives drained
1 cup Milkor evaporated milk.
1bagCorn Chips
2cupsSharp Cheedar Cheese or cheese of your choice.
1 diced Jalapeno option
In a large skillet over medium heat brown the ground beef, diced onion, and diced green pepper.
Once completed drain off the grease.
Stir in the salt, flour, chili powder, tomato sauce, chili beans, olives, and milk.
Bring the mixture to a low simmer.
Next pour about half bag corn chips into a greased 9 X 13 baking dish
Pour the mixture in the skillet over the corn chips. You can add extra cheese on the mixture if you like.
Pour the last half bag of corn chips on top of the mixture.
Top with Shredded Cheese.
Place in a 350 °F
The leftovers will keep in the refrigerator for a day or 2, but freezing isn't recommended. The corn chips will become soggy. What you can do, is make the mixture separate and freeze, pull it out to make the casserole ahead of time if you wish.